Pireco is a biometrics-based pet recognition and registration system for companion animals started by a Korean student-led venture startup.
Is dog recognition a safe way to adopt companion animals? Or does it reduce premature adoption and leads to more abandonment? Learn about Pireco, launched by a Korean startup run by Kim Tae-Heon.
Overview of Pireco

During the Bio-healthcare IR Demo Day at Ulsan University, CEO Kim Tae-heon was among the 7 start-ups present at the event. Many announcements and investments were made for Pireco.
Pireco is a biometric recognition platform that provides safe adoption of animals. People have been looking to get a pet since the covid outbreak. As a result, plenty of sales fraud occurs every now and then. Moreover, research shows that 7 out of 10 disputes are companion animal sale fraud.
Kim Tae-Heon said that more than half of the animals have some type of health condition. This is the result of the corruption that takes place in the commercial aspect. He also adds that this market structure has made it impossible to trust people.
Pireco is set to build an environment that eases the process of companion animal registration with biometric technology. In addition, the company has also released the “Peterpet Health” app. This app is a safe animal adoption platform that provides useful information like health status and inoculation stations. On top of that, it resolves the issues regarding novice pet owners’ lack of experience.
This platform can be revolutionary, and Pireco will ensure that the app works flawlessly for its users. As a result, every pet owner gets a healthy Dog and learns about their dogs beforehand.
What is Pireco?
Pireco is a companion animal registration system that uses a biometric system. The company leads its own research when it comes to developing intuitive technology. Moreover, they also follow the international standardization of biometric systems.
The companion animal registration system by Pireco is currently used by the Food and Rural Affairs and Ministry of Agriculture. They operate the system by inserting a built-in chip and an identification tag. This type of registration has certain limitations and side effects caused by the plating of the chip. As a result, Pireco decides to use a different approach by using biometrics as its optimal solution.
There are no negative side effects that can cause due to the use of biometric technology. On top of that, inserting the chip also has no harm to the animals.
Pireco has an automatic video detection function where the app quickly responds to companion animals. Moreover, it has Improved authentications for all the biometric registration functions. This dog recognition biometric also has a real-time processing function, making things quick.
Final Thoughts
Pireco has received many awards and recognition in its respective fields. They are promoting international standardization with their biometric technology. Moreover, the biometric technology of Pireco is also a national representative of the ITU-T Korea Committee and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
The services that Pireco provides will create a healthy environment for companion animals and pet owners. The CEO of the company plans to launch a cat biometric service by the end of the year. This will be another big milestone for the company.