eye cream

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Beauty & Skincare

Reasons Why Your Eye Cream Isn’t Working

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Everyone always talks about beauty and skin care routines focusing on acne, or sensitive skin, or even dullness. But we miss out on an important area – the under-eyes area. Keeping this area bright and firm can make you look younger by a lot of years! That’s why it is crucial to apply the best Korean eye cream regularly. But, sometimes, even the best of the best eye cream formulations do not work. Sometimes, even when you apply it religiously, you don’t see any visible results.   

Check out Best Korean Eye Cream for Fine Lines, Puffiness, and Dark Circles

Have you faced this common problem? Has this ever bothered you? Why your eye cream is not working on your dark circles or puffiness of your eyes? 

There can be other potential reasons – something more than the eye cream that isn’t making your eyes look flawless!

You’re Not Using the Right Eye Cream

There are many companies in the market which are selling expensive formulas and making false promises. Along with that, sometimes there are certain ingredients that don’t work on your skin type. It is always a good idea to get the best by doing a thorough study of the product. Korean eye creams are generally a good option to choose as they are genuine and thoroughly tested. One should also consult a dermatologist before using any eye cream as it would help you in getting the best-suited one for yourself.

Read more: 5 Natural Skin Care Ingredients that are Blowing up in the K-Beauty World in 2020

Unhealthy Eating Habits

A proper diet can help you to get rid of dark circles. Your Korean eye cream might not be working because you are not consuming the right diet. To avoid the issue, you should eat foods that are rich in Vitamin C, K, and E. One should generously increase the fluids in the diet. This will help you in improving your skin by maintaining the moisture level. It will help in reducing your dark circles, thereby helping your eyes to heal and look glossy.

Lack of Sleep and Stress

Lack of sleep and stress can also be the reason for long term dark circles or puffiness under your eyes, even after using a proper cream for the treatment of the same. So, try to avoid stressing yourself and have an appropriate schedule for your sleep. One should sleep for at least 8 hours a day. This will benefit you in preventing your dark circles, and then you can use the eye cream for dark circles to remove them forever.

Excess Sun Exposure

One more important reason for dark circles can be direct interaction with sunlight. We often ignore or forget applying sunscreens or wearing UV protection sunglasses, but they are equally crucial as using eye cream. One should always apply sunscreen under the eyes and cover the area while going in sunlight. This will help in reducing dark circles.

Read more: Best Korean Sunscreens for all Skin Types: Never get caught without it!

Using An Excessive Amount of Cream

Applying the right quantity of cream is very important. One should use the cream as directed by the dermatologist or written on the pack of the cream. Directions of applying the cream are equally important with the right quantity. Never rub the cream, instead apply it gently as the under-eye area is very sensitive. The right quantity and right direction will give you the best results.

Unrealistic Expectations!

Unfortunately no skin care product can perform miracles. There are always going to be certain limits. If you are not getting the results that you are expecting with your Korean eye cream, then you may need to seek professional treatment to get the results you want. An eye cream isn’t gonna get rid of your deep crow’s feet. You’ll have to get Botox treatment to get it removed.

So as mentioned earlier, it is a high possibility that you are not using the right eye cream. So, one should consult a dermatologist and get the best treatment. But that isn’t always the case. So, make sure to have a good sleep. Your diet plays a very important role in your health; vitamin C is said to be the best source for reducing dark circles. Avoiding excess exposure to direct sunlight and applying a suitable quantity of cream can help you reduce your skin problems.

Follow the best possible steps to take care of your eyes. Stay healthy, stay glamorous!!

About Jinju Jeon

Senior Writer @KoreaProductPost

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