
KAMELO: Best Korean Online Video Sharing Platform

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Kamelo is a real-time video sharing platform from a Korean startup for sharing SNS and you can create videos without even filming them!

In today’s fast-paced technology-driven world, every person wants to put their best foot forward on social media. Getting the maximum likes and reverts on a post helps people stay positive in life and increases their motivation level. Every smartphone comes equipped with the latest camera and technology to create amazing videos. But, to make something out of this world, you need the latest video-sharing platform from the house of KLleon Co., Ltd. This article will look into the organization and its latest product offering. With their latest technology, they promise to bring your imagination to life.

About KLleon Co., Ltd.

KLleon Co., Ltd. is a young organization that promises to deliver cutting-edge technology. This company came to life in 2019 and has won many awards for its innovative tech and motivated team. The signing of an MOU with LG Electronics stands as their latest win, and it will take them to the heights they deserve. The people at KLleon work with four visions which help them create a lasting impression on their customers. They believe in using technology for the good of Mankind. This way they can put value to technology and quantify its utility for humanity. They always focus on preventing abuse through and of technology. Their second most important vision comes as creating new values using technology. 

They want people to view technology as a fun and easy aspect and become inclined towards learning it. The primary vision of KLleon is to popularize and familiarise people with deep human learning technology. The focus is to ensure technology brings people together and lets them expand their mental horizons. The new product from KLleon puts all the above visions in place and brings you an exciting platform to create videos. 

KAMELO – The Best Korean Online Video Sharing Platform

KAMELO is a mobile app that works on Deep-Human technology. This app works like social media, where you create videos and share them. This app works well with mobiles phones that have either iOS and Android software. The special feature about it is that you can create videos without filming. The app provides you with faces, voices, and backgrounds. To make your videos, you need to put all these together and make the most of them. The feed in the app keeps getting updated, and you can see videos created by other users and comment on them. 

The best part about this app is its feature that allows you to create your avatar by combining facial features from several preselected pictures. These videos can spread vital messages without revealing the identity of the user. You can let your creativity run free and make many videos. This app helps people deal with depressive thoughts and gives them a medium to let out their inner feelings. You can create a video for anyone with just a photo and thirty seconds of your time. The uniqueness and creativity behind this product helped it earn an honoree position at the 2022 Innovation Awards

In the End!

The advancements in technology know no bounds. The latest offerings from organizations like KLleon Co., Ltd. Bring people together and create a happy environment in a down-trodden world. Make the most of this video-making app and get your message out in the world.

About Jinju Jeon

Senior Writer @KoreaProductPost

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