An ideal gift for cat owners, the PETBLOC is a unique cat tower that changes shape. It’s almost like a life-size version of a jigsaw puzzle.
Cats are not just pets; some cultures even worship them as deities. They are very human-like and express all emotions. Every cat has an individual personality that complements its owners. All they need is food and scratches, and you have a happy pet. But like humans, they too get bored and may become uninterested in their surroundings. Also, like all pets and humans, they too need physical activity to keep themselves in the best of health.
Cats like to climb tall things and jump around. They like puzzles and brain stimulation. EFOPLE. Co. Ltd. came up with the idea of the PETBLOC to provide an activity toy for your cats. EFOPLE. Co. Ltd. is a Korean company that believes in innovation. They are nothing like the other companies that make toys for pets. This one primarily caters to the desire to renovate their living space as per their liking.
What is EFOPLE. Co. Ltd.?
With a futuristic vision, this company believes in the concept of Do-It-Yourself; DIY. EFOPLE. Co. Ltd. understands the emotion that people get when they build something from scratch. People not only give it their hundred percent but also cherish it for life. The process is fun and more than often becomes a family activity. It makes home furniture that you can customize to your liking. One set could work both as a table and as a stool. EFOPLE. Co. Ltd. saw the light of day in 2015, and its slogan is “Easier to change furniture than furniture.” This thought resonates with the products they have. One such unique and exciting product is PETBLOC.
An ideal gift for cat owners, the PETBLOC is a cat tower. This simple definition could confuse you, but it is nothing like the multiple ones you see at stores. It is unique by itself. This tower changes shape and keeps up with its ideology. Its chief characteristic is that both cats and children can use it. The PETBLOC is a life-size version of a jigsaw puzzle. It has holes, narrow passages, climbing space, and a seat to sit on. Your furry friends will feel cozy and safe inside it and will not want to leave.

The make of this equipment is sturdy and weight-bearing. ABS and paper tubes make them durable, and they can take the weight of an adult person. They make it with the open-cube style. This toy can rise to three levels. Also, because it comes coated with water-repellent material, you can get rid of any cat hair just in one swipe.
Even in case of a leak by the pet, spray some disinfectant and wipe it off. You have the power to rearrange the toy to the liking and physical ability of your cats. If you have old or ailing ones, keep the height low and use the top as a table for yourself or your children. However, if you have young and active pets, let them burn off some energy by climbing high and jumping down. Both you and your pet can also use the PETBLOC together and allow them to cuddle with you as you work.
Final Thoughts
With easy assembly and instructions, even inexperienced people can put this together. It is a toy for you, and it gets your brain running and makes it sharper. Almost equivalent to a baby playing with their Lego. The cat in the house will feel like a king sitting on top of the PETBLOC. You will gain confidence, and your cat will love you endlessly for giving them a gift to cherish.